
ConnectyCube (FREE)

by ConnectyCube

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What is ConnectyCube ?

We provide SDKs for messaging, peer-to-peer and group audio/video calling for iOS(Swift and Objective-C), Android(Java and Kotlin), ReactNative, Cordova, Nativescript and Web(JavaScript) platforms._x000D_ We also provide push notifications, users authorization, chat attachments, end-to-end encryption and automated chat bots._x000D_ You can register a FREE account and try our services to decide whether our platform fits your project._x000D_

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About ConnectyCube

ConnectyCube is owned by ConnectyCube . Head Quartered in Ukraine. ConnectyCube was founded in the ---- ConnectyCube product is We provide SDKs for messaging, peer-to-peer and group audio/video calling for iOS(Swift and Objective-C), Android(Java and Kotlin), ReactNative, Cordova, Nativescript and Web(JavaScript) platforms._x000D_ We also provide push notifications, users authorization, chat attachments, end-to-end encryption and automated chat bots._x000D_ You can register a FREE account and try our services to decide whether our platform fits your project._x000D_ . Some notable features that are mentioned by ConnectyCube, are Screen Sharing . On ClickFQ, ConnectyCube is rated with ClickFQ Score of 0.0 . To know more about ClickFQ Score click here . Top cometitors of ConnectyCube are .