DonorQuest for Windows

DonorQuest for Windows (FREE)

by Intrepid Systems

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What is DonorQuest for Windows ?

DonorQuest is a highly customizable CRM solution providing the rich feature set of more expensive systems, without the inflated pricing. We offer cloud-based solutions and traditional in-house installed versions. Features include grant/contact management with reminders, monetary donation and volunteer hour tracking, soft credits, matching gifts, in-depth analysis reports, Excel integration.

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About DonorQuest for Windows

DonorQuest for Windows is owned by Intrepid Systems . Head Quartered in . Intrepid Systems was founded in the ---- DonorQuest for Windows product is DonorQuest is a highly customizable CRM solution providing the rich feature set of more expensive systems, without the inflated pricing. We offer cloud-based solutions and traditional in-house installed versions. Features include grant/contact management with reminders, monetary donation and volunteer hour tracking, soft credits, matching gifts, in-depth analysis reports, Excel integration. . Some notable features that are mentioned by Intrepid Systems, are Volunteer Management Membership Management Grant Management Campaign Management CRM Recurring Giving Receipt Management Pledge Management Gift Matching Management Donor Management Donation Tracking Campaign Management . On ClickFQ, DonorQuest for Windows is rated with ClickFQ Score of 0.0 . To know more about ClickFQ Score click here . Top cometitors of DonorQuest for Windows are .