EDAMS Permits & Licensing

EDAMS Permits & Licensing (FREE)

by Hydro-Comp Enterprises

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What is EDAMS Permits & Licensing ?

The EDAMS Operations module is a parametric fully GIS & LIS integrated system that provides Organizations with the flexibility to define and simulate their procedures and their application processing combined with external or internal requests, in such a way to meet their exact needs. Applications can be easily created, grouped, de-activated, cloned or modified to meet the exact requirements of the Organizations Applications, Permits, Licensing and Inspections procedures.

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About EDAMS Permits & Licensing

EDAMS Permits & Licensing is owned by Hydro-Comp Enterprises . Head Quartered in Cyprus. Hydro-Comp Enterprises was founded in the ---- EDAMS Permits & Licensing product is The EDAMS Operations module is a parametric fully GIS & LIS integrated system that provides Organizations with the flexibility to define and simulate their procedures and their application processing combined with external or internal requests, in such a way to meet their exact needs. Applications can be easily created, grouped, de-activated, cloned or modified to meet the exact requirements of the Organizations Applications, Permits, Licensing and Inspections procedures. . Some notable features that are mentioned by Hydro-Comp Enterprises, are Violation History Planning & Zoning Photo Management Letter Generation Inspection Management GIS Fee Maintenance Document Management Code Maintenance Case Management . On ClickFQ, EDAMS Permits & Licensing is rated with ClickFQ Score of 0.0 . To know more about ClickFQ Score click here . Top cometitors of EDAMS Permits & Licensing are .