
FaaSBank (FREE)

by Fern Software

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What is FaaSBank ?

FaaSBank is Fern Software's solution for CRM, loan processing and impact reporting. Designed in collaboration with end users, the software's full CRM and loan integration enables SME lending organizations to accurately track a loan's life-cycle, from the initial client inquiry to the recording of jobs and leverages when the investment results in a tangible impact to their community. Release notes, user update emails and free webinars keep our user base informed of all new features being added.

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About FaaSBank

FaaSBank is owned by Fern Software . Head Quartered in United Kingdom. Fern Software was founded in the ---- FaaSBank product is FaaSBank is Fern Software's solution for CRM, loan processing and impact reporting. Designed in collaboration with end users, the software's full CRM and loan integration enables SME lending organizations to accurately track a loan's life-cycle, from the initial client inquiry to the recording of jobs and leverages when the investment results in a tangible impact to their community. Release notes, user update emails and free webinars keep our user base informed of all new features being added. . Some notable features that are mentioned by Fern Software, are Loan Processing Document Management Collections Management Collateral Tracking Business Loans Borrower Management Amortization Schedule Accounting Management . On ClickFQ, FaaSBank is rated with ClickFQ Score of 0.0 . To know more about ClickFQ Score click here . Top cometitors of FaaSBank are .