
GeniusPeddler (FREE)

by GeniusPeddler

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What is GeniusPeddler ?

GeniusPeddler is a service that aims to provide store owners a simple and efficient way to track sales on consigned items in your brick and mortar store. Our web application will act as the store clerks sale interface, while also providing the consignors the ability to track the status of their consigned items in your store. This will allow you, the store owner, to spend more time concentrating on your business and not tracking consigned sales and allocating monies to your consignors.

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About GeniusPeddler

GeniusPeddler is owned by GeniusPeddler . Head Quartered in . GeniusPeddler was founded in the ---- GeniusPeddler product is GeniusPeddler is a service that aims to provide store owners a simple and efficient way to track sales on consigned items in your brick and mortar store. Our web application will act as the store clerks sale interface, while also providing the consignors the ability to track the status of their consigned items in your store. This will allow you, the store owner, to spend more time concentrating on your business and not tracking consigned sales and allocating monies to your consignors. . Some notable features that are mentioned by GeniusPeddler, are Point of Sale (POS) Consignor Management . On ClickFQ, GeniusPeddler is rated with ClickFQ Score of 0.0 . To know more about ClickFQ Score click here . Top cometitors of GeniusPeddler are .