What is License Asset Manager ?
Designed for Engineering Software to Monitor Assets at the Usage Level - not just the Tool Level for Abaqus, Agilent, Altera, Altium, Ansoft, Ansys, ARM, Atrenta, AutoDesk, Cadence, CATIA, Cliosoft, COMSOL, Delmia, Doors, DSLS, ESRI, EXA, Femap, FlexLM, FlexNet, Geomagic, Geometric, LabView, Lattice, LM-X, LSF/Platform, LTX, MathLM ,MathWorks, Mentor, Methodics, Minitab, MSC, NX/Siemens, ORCAD, PTC, Reprise, Sentinel, Sigmetrix, SIMetrix, SolidWorks, Synopsys, Windchill and Others Upon Request.